This is actually my very first Reverse Finds and the launch of Reverse Finds as well, so I'm veryexcited to get started. And it's very timely given the time I've been looking into how to sort and organise and rationalise ... and really just plain clean up my act!
The sanest and most sensible place to start was the sheets in the linen closet ... rather fitting considering the number of vintage sheets I've purchased over the last six months. Not to mention the darn cupboard was like humpty dumpty; ready to fall down.
So sheets it was ... and the closet looks wonderful now. A lot less sheets ... and neat and tidy to boot.
The result: a couple of sheets in the bin, this small stash to the op shop, and a larger stash of single bed doonas and sheets to my brother Mr J for my niece Miss T.
I hope I can do equally well next week. I just have to work out what to tackle next ... the list is pretty long.
If you think this is a good idea, or you have a list of stuff to clean out and you'd love the inspiration to keep you on track ... join up with Catherine at pencils and pins. I know I'm going to enjoy getting my life in some sort of order.
where would I start from!!
sounds like a great idea, thinking about sorting things has me all flustered though.
well done on the culling.
Great idea - I really need to have a go at the linen cupboard! Sorry I was slow setting up my post today - it's up now...
Your pile of sheets looks lovely and neat now. It sounds like you had a good clean out, I love getting things organised like that, always feels good.
I came over looking for Shadow Shots Sunday even though I didn't see your name on the blogroll.
Funny thing is that I was cleaning out the garage yesterday and will continue with that today. Organizing can be from the sublime to the ridiculous, there always seems to be something more out of order, and I always seem to bury the next thing I'll be sure to want to use.
I mean, when do you get to use the set of sheets onn the bottom of the pile you kept?
Good stuff even if it didn't have shadows.
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