What's been totally Hot
Visiting. I had a great weekend visiting Mum including Tamika's birthday. We took her shopping and had a dinner for her ... check her blowing out her candles. I love the shot of her mid blow ... even if it's blurry! She's growing up so quickly.I can hardly believe she's 13.
Craft. I've had a great crafting week: the felting for the Sew It Together convention swap is finished and the items need to be put together, my mother's shawl is now 95% done, I finally have a crochet hook to finish a scarf I recently finished and then I can move on and finish the baby's cardigan I started.
Vintage sheet finds. I found another two in Ballarat and now have six high quality sheets to swap, and another six not quite so good. I'm still looking around ... well, because I can but the pressure's gone.
August trip away. I've booked and paid for flights to Newcastle for Mum and I in August. I'm looking around for accommodation now ... the site I prefer to book packages through doesn't have anywhere close and I'm looking at a holiday park to the south of Newcastle. Any suggestions?
Op shopping. I've been having so much luck op shopping recently ... probably because I go to so many. I've been managing to find sheets, lots of good knitting needles including a bamboo pair for $1 and fantastic 1940s knitting patterns. I even managed to find some old crocheted doily patterns ... and I'm on the look out for hinged tins in good condition.
TV/DVD back in the bedroom. Clarissa bought a wide screen TV for her room a few weeks ago and I'm settled back into the bedroom watching DVDs. Last night I finished Band of Brothers for the umpteenth time as I try to finish Mum's shawl ... and I'm not sure what I'll watch tomorrow. Either way I'm getting more done now I have something to listen to.
Exercise. My two classes per week are going really well. The pilates and yoga are doing wonders for my core muscles, the thing that's really bothered me after two pregnancies and no real exercise after the last child 22 years ago! And I have to start now before I get into those 'critical years' where it will be harder to regain lost ground.
What's been Hot
Wet washing. I don't want to complain about the rain since we need the water so much, but it's hell getting stuff dry.
Vertigo. This is pretty much my life but it's usually limited to when I roll onto my right side and when I'm exercising. But the world was spinning from the minute I woke up and I felt nauseous so I went back to sleep. Fortunately it didn't progress to vomiting, which I hate ... and I've noticed that if I'm well hydrated and eat well it's better managed, so I headed for the kitchen as early as I could.
How has your week been? Have you had a good one or has something driven you crazy?
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