Finish 5 Craft projects. I managed to get two things finished during the week ... the cutest baby beanie and a matching scarf for a (third?) cousin Liam who's only 8 weeks old. And don't they look cute on? I didn't really understand the size of babies--it's been such a long time since I had one--and I guessed the dimensions. It was sheer good luck I got it right but I think I'm going to make the beanie and scarf a little bigger next time.
Spend more time with friends and family. It's been a big week for spending time with family .. my mum and her brother and his family. I enjoyed that and I only wish they didn't live so far away. On the upside though I discovered a second cousin in Melbourne ... that is so exciting.
And then when I got home my mum arranged for a birthday get together and I got to see everybody, with the exception of my niece Miss T. Everybody is so grown up, getting on with their lives and doing well. I liked seeing that.
Travel more. I got to do that this last week and I really enjoyed it ... it was sad Horace wasn't there to experience it with me because I really missed him. I so wanted to go home and see him.
Cook more. I actually cooked last week. Wow! Several breakfasts and dinners too.
WHAT'S NOT been so hot
Exercise more. A week off work and a week off exercise too. I suppose I could write that off as a good thing but I feel better when I exercise and I just can't do it on my own.
Renovate. No actual renovating happening ... although I have started on the reverse finds so I'm treating the clearing out of my life as the first step towards renovating.
Find something good each day. Not a good week for this ... I'm more aware of how I let little things play on my mind and then reacted to them. Not the most impresive week.
If you want to play ... to consider your life for the last week, your day, whether you're meeting your goals? Pop your name and link in the Linky below ... I'd love to hear how you're going.
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