When I went to organise today's post ... Blogger lost my photo. The damn thing opened in Compose mode and when I changed it to Edit Html (my preference) ... bang went my photo.
So, after eight hours delay ... here it is. My smallish collection of tape measures which includes several red ones.
Happy Ruby Tuesday .. and check out Work of the Poet for lots more ruby redness.
I wish my sewing kit would be this neat!!!! I'm embarrassed to admit, it doesn't!!
Won't you visit my Ruby Tuesday? I'd love to have your company today.
That is the neatest sewing drawer I ever did see. I love that you collect measuring tapes. do you use them all?
How neat! Please come and tidy my drawers!
I'm with the others. The drawer looks so neat and tidy.
I don't sew, and only have an emergency sewing kit.
Happy Ruby Tuesday and thanks for stopping by!
I love the order of your little box. My sewing kits are pure chaos. My husband noticed recently and decided to put everything to right. Now I can't find anything. Gotta love him though. He just couldn't help himself. LOL
You certainly seem organized, the neatness of the drawer helps in finding what you want. So many people (myself included) keep things in drawers in a sloppy way. So the last time I needed say, a phillips-head screwdriver, it took way to long to find it...
Your skills we would do well to emulate!
You are so tidy! I would very much like to be a tidier person. Maybe some of your good habit will rub off on me. :)
Nice extra curriculum skill.
Yes you are so organized, good thing I don't have much of this and I don't have problem to look it tidy like yours. Thanks for the comment
How nice, to have your sewing things in one drawer. I have these round tin boxes that I take down to the couch when I do my little bit of sewing (usually a button - no one in my family seems to want to learn).
Thank you for a great job.
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