In my house it’s not pretty ... I see a work in progress with lots of work and absolutely no progress! LOL
This is the door jamb above the kitchen door ... the sliding door's been taken down and now the door needs to be fixed up, and replastered.
There’s lots more My Place & Yours at HelloOwl ... and I'm sure all of them are much prettier than my contribution.
oh Susan, i know what you're going thru! i wasn't able to close the front door for weeks..BUT he [who will not be named] finally fixed it yesterday without any nagging hang in there, it will get DONE eventually lol!
I know what its like too Susan! My front door lock broke yesterday so am relying on the screen door at the moment!
Oh drat! Hopefully it won't be like that for too much longer ;) They say miracles take a bit longer, hope your miracle worker has it on the top of the list ;)
renovations..arggh!! The never ending to do list all I can say is GOODLUCK!
oh gawd, renovations!!
i'm sending you all my good luck :)
Oh, looks like hard work involved. But, as everyone else has said, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We've been in our house for 11 years and my hubby just spent two days rendering the 30 metre wall along one side of our house!!! Huge job, soooo proud of him, but, it was a long time coming! Wendy xxx
Awesome!! Refreshing to see someone showcasing a bit of non-perfection!!
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