Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Project 365 Day 20 (20/01/09)

Yesterday I was reading Ali Edward's blog at and I loved her post on 31 December 2008 about picking a word for that year.

Ali's word is nurture, which is very relevant for her if only because she'll soon be having her second baby. But it also applies to her relationships to her son, her husband and to her business. It's such a wonderful, comforting, motherly word.

I've never liked the idea of New Year's Resolutions; people make too many and none of them seem to be realised. But I like the simplicity of one word and working with it, focussing on it and seeing what it means in my life.

So, without further ado, my word for 2009 is ... connect.

verb (t): to bind or fasten together
to establish communication between
verb (i): to become connected; join or unite.

The power board and plugs in my bedroom.

This word is special to me because I want to connect more with family, with the people in my life, with work and whatever comes my way. Basically, with what it means to be human and alive.

And the strange thing is that this is what I wanted to work on this year anyway; I just hadn't applied a word to it!

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