My stash? Two stacks high of about 2-3 feet! Truly.
There's lots of stuff in there including a few heavy white cotton sheets for backing and flannelette for winter (or softies). The striped single sheet (mainly pink facing) is in fantastic condition and I'm keeping the purple floral for winter for my bed.
I've also managed to collect a small stash of pillow cases. I like the ones on the top and further down I've a picture of my favourites on my bed.
This is all the stuff under the pillow cases and white sheets ... and I have to call almost of them favourites. Most are in good or better condition, and many are a little faded. But there are gems. Check out the jade blue near the top and the pink towards the bottom.
I've got a few older sheets, lots of good stripes, which I love and stuff from the 1970s. Some are ordinary looking 1980s or more recent patterns that I'm thinking about passing alone. The single bed set on the top is gorgeous and will be gracing Miss W's bed when she visits at Christmas.
I have a few choices re what to do next ... and I just can't think about about stopping soon because I love looking for sheets too much. Next year making a quilt is very high on the list of my plans ... again. This year I just actually have to achieve it. Other options including swaps and maybe becoming the first Australian on Made It to sell vintage sheet fat quarters?
Until I make up my mind I'm using some of the stash on my bed ... as well as stuff I deliberately picked up for my bed.
I love these pillow cases and these sheets are favourites I'm keeping. (It's kinda interesting my favourites tend to be from the 1980s and 1990s).
These 1980s sheets are also a favourite and sit really well with the white floral embroidered doona cover I found a few months ago. (Sorry about the unmade bed).
And lastly my favourite I picked up yesterday ... for the princely sum of $6 at Vinnies. Beautifully stylish and so 1980s! LOL
I'm off to visit Sofie at Her Library Adventures for lots more Flea Market loveliness.
WOW I love your collection. I have a vintage quilt in the making and would be interested in purchasing some fat 1/4's if that's what you decide.
I also have a collection that I can't cut, but use. Your collection is outstanding and so nicely folded.
So many lovely sheets! I think somebody needs to open and B&B. "So Many Sheets B&B"
wowsa, thats a lotta sheets you got there, but just so lovely too!
That is truly impressive! They are all lovely!
Megaaa jealous! I have a very soft spot for vintage sheets & pillow cases, your collection is perfect, & all in order :D
If you decide to sell fat quarters on Madeit, give me a yell! :)
- Krystal xo
that is a truely enviable collection Susan! I'm quite impressed.
They all look so good! Great folding!!
These vintage fabrics are lovely indeed! :)
Wow! So many beautiful colors and patterns! Great collection!
Oh scored. I love your vintage sheet collection. So pretty and inspiring.
love love,
Fritzi Marie
You have seriously got to come up with a business idea! This collection is amazing!!
Those are such great fabrics! Perfect for a patchwork quilt. How about making little patchwork quilt sets with instructions etc. You could do packs with matching colours and then really random ones-just an idea :)
oh what a great collection! Selling little fat quarter bundles sounds like a great idea
your collection is fantastic if not a little ridonculous! I'm just jealous really :P
Oh, I love your stacks of vintage sheets and I'm so jealous! My stacks aren't nearly that high.
Wow, what a fabolous collection! I love that top pillowcase!
LOVE your vintage sheet stack! I must agree with the others: its so nicely folded and looks divine! My sheets are in various containers and randomly all over the place: I have been inspired for a while to wash and nicely fold them all, and after seeing yours I must do it sooner than later. I like the idea of knowing how many feet of sheets I have too!
Oh la la, the image with all the sheets in blue and purple colors makes my heart beat faster! Beautiful!
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