This book is one of a number of sweet 1970s baby patterns … well thumbed (by me) looking for patterns for my aunt’s expected grand baby. (And no, Auntie Mary, I’m not making you anything from this book!)
After I’d finished my Mum’s shawl I had almost a ball of lovely soft cream yarn and I wondered what to do with it. At almost the same time (at work) I was told about knitting for charity and there are quite a few around:
Australian Charity Listing
Some of them provide patterns because they’re looking for specific items, whereas others will accept any knitted items. There’s also a range of charities and even countries that are supplied with items.
In the end I picked KnitOneGiveOne, which offers a range of patterns to try and which also accept general donations.
And I thought I could easily make this pretty old-fashioned looking bonnet, a huge rectangle knitted in rib ... no increase or decrease or pattern until the last row it's cast off in rib. No harder than knitting a scarf really.
All that's left is to fix a couple of stitches I knitted when I should have purled or purled when I should have knitted, then I'll add the gingham ribbon and it will all be done. It looks rather big but I trialled it at Sew It Together on Esther's (from Red in Oz) gorgeous little sweetie Hannah and she looked totally cute (and warm). I hope it cheers someone up.
And donations can be dropped off to … wait for it … Morris & Son in town . How sad I have to make a trip to a yarn store to drop it off.
I've been thinking about bonnets all week. Sewn ones though. I look forward to seeing your knitted one finished.
The book is really good for Mum's. Thanks for this sweet baby blog.
and the gingham ribbon is very beautiful too... wat a good idea
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