So I was pleasantly surprised when I found this tweedy looking cardigan last week.
Surprised that I like it. Surprised it was soft and warm and natural looking.
It just reminds me of long walks along English country lanes. Very Heartbeat really.
What do you think?
I like it but I'm not sure I would wear it...perhaps in a prettier color with a scarf to jazz it up. Although that would take away from the beautiful no scarf but definitely a better colour.
I'd wear it, love a good cardy!
my mum knitted one like that for me, back when i was still into that. i wore it, and it grew!
these days it's still alive... as a big, chunky cushion on the settee, front buttons and all... :)
thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
I think you need to knit it, it's awesome.
Thanks for stopping by. You know, I can remember the 60's quite well; they say if you can remember them you weren't really there. LOL LOL
Cute sweater, very Brit.
I like it!
that colour would just annoy me too much,
i can't imagine it fitting in with my new invisible wardrobe, the one you'll be replicating at yours ;0)
thanks so much for your lovely comments ,
i meant to say collar ,not colour....
I'm liking it!
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