The UP ... I’ve made a start on my swappee’s tag for Sew It Together and I’m really happy. It’s taken me weeks to get an idea and just having one is a fabulous relief.
This is it so far ... it’s so pretty. I just hope my swappee likes pretty! LOL
All that's left is to get the letters for my swappee's name (I don't have them all in my stash), trim the felt backing, add the ribbon to the letters and machine sew around the outside including the ribbon between the stiffened calico and red felt backing. And lastly, hand stitch on the brooch back.
Not much ... I reckon less than an hour’s work.
UPDATED: I just checked the guidelines and I've got it wrong. It's supposed to be red and acqua ... oh phooey! Back to the drawing board!
The DOWN ... I unpicked that damn shawl!
Before you look for your valium or even a stiff Scotch ... it’s ok. I’m really happyabout it, and incredibly relieved for that matter.
I managed to lose a stitch and after days of unpicking and looking for it I couldn’t find it ... and saying that I hate, abhor, detest and generally dislike unpicking stitching doesn’t even come close to how I feel about it.
So I decided I wasn’t prepared to lose another second when it only took about a week to get to 20 rows away from finishing the damn shawl!
I figure I can reknit the shawl in less days than it would have taken me to find that darned, elusive stitch ... stay tuned!
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1 comment:
Phooey wouldn't really be a strong enough word in my head Susan!! lol. But I suppose you've got an almost finished something for another swap you could participate in! :)
You've got the red part couldn't you just put much more aqua in there somewhere? It does look pretty, but also very intriguing. Would love to see it finished.
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