Monday, November 16, 2009

Project 365 Wed 18 Nov 09

I feel really dull and blah, with a head full of cotton wool ... roll on the cool change.

But I still wanted to participate in Loobylu's What's Hot and What's Not ... it's so good taking stock once a week to give thanks for what's been good during the week.

What's hot:
Visiting mum and the family. That was really nice. It's the first time I visited since July and we went away so I was well and truly overdue.

Spending time with Tamika. She's such a sweetheart and we won't get to do so much together for much longer ... and then who will I go to the show with?

My little darling in my Mum's yard.

Writing manuals. I've just finished a work manual about using a database we use and I've been working on it almost exclusively for the last six weeks. It's huge (115 pages) and it has not been a labour of love ... but it's finished and I'm free to do other things. Woo hoo! LOL

Getting organised for Christmas. I am so enthused this year, and I'm already planning was home baked goodies I might hand out at work for the work colleages ... I'm thinking ANZACS?

Laughing with Horace. Even after 27 years together we sit together holding hands and laughing ... and this week's be

Blogs. Gosh I love the commitment and energy people put into their blogs ... and I read a lot. Blogs about people living on narrowboats in the UK like NarrowboatsOakfield, women who love to knit (Bellsknits), quilt (MargaretARowe), women who scrapbook (ABitEast), women who love vintage and recycled clothing (BallaratVintageStyle), women who aspire to add creativity to every day (tinniegirl) ... thanks for the inspiration.

What's not:
The heat. Some might like it hot ... but the list doesn't include me. I burn, I don't sleep well and that leaves me cranky. I am so tired as I type this I feel as though my head's stuffed with cotton wool!

No time for knitting. I've tried but between the weather and the cotton wool head I've yanked out every stitch I've done over the last couple of weeks.

On balance things are going better than the fog in my head can comprehend ... it's nice to feel as though I'm getting the balance right.

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